The Story Behind the Painting
Almond Blossom
Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent painted a number of variations of blossoming trees between 1888 and 1890, whilst in Arles and Saint Remy.
Blossom played a significant role in Japanese printmaking, which Vincent was influenced by. It is said he found great joy in painting flowering trees and large blossom branches set against a vivid blue sky.
Almond Blossom was painted as a gift to celebrate the birth of his nephew, namesake and godchild Vincent Willem, the son of Vincent’s brother Theo and his sister-in-law Jo. The gift of the Almond Blossom painting could not have been more poignant. A symbol of new life, signalling an awakening and hope.
Unfortunately, Vincent’s mental health deteriorated, and he died less than three months after the painting was finished.
David Henty's Almond Blossom will be available to purchase at
