Well it hasn’t been a great start to the summer weather wise! Although when rain stops play, I’ve at least been able to focus on art! I’ve been doing podcasts galore via Zoom, having some very interesting chats about art forgery, fraud and the art industry in general.
Fancy a listen? Here’s the links:
@ ‘What’s the Story? Sounds’ - Emily Atack Lie Detector (Spotify Original podcast hosted by actor and comedian Emily Atack) www.whatsthestorysounds.com
@ ‘The Wise Fool’ www.wisefoolpod.com
@ ‘Better than Peter’ www.betterthanpeter.com
The final artists for Worthing Portrait Artist of the Year have also been chosen. What a difficult job Cathy (Curator at St Pauls Arts Centre) and I had. The standard of entries was very high, unfortunately, however, only nine could be chosen.
Last but not least, I’ve also been very busy painting commissions for film sets, more news on that later. So it’s head down and brush in hand. Let’s hope, though, that July will bring a bit of sunshine into all our lives!
