February Newsletter 2020
The month of January has flown by with much of my time spent with John William Waterhouse.! Yes, you read that right. I’m busy recreating some of his most famous paintings, finding the sheer amount of detail he injects into his mythological and romantic paintings both challenging and rewarding.
William Waterhouse painted scenes from Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem: ‘The Lady of Shalott’, and it’s these I’ve been focusing on. The main figure – a beautiful enchantress often clad in crimson – has proved fascinating to study, having to take into account his many and varied nuances.
The John William Waterhouse Collection will be available to purchase later in the year, please email for further sales information.
In other news, I’m very pleased to be represented by two more galleries: Westover Galleries, Bournemouth and Gallery 500 Feet, Lynton North Devon.
And this year’s exhibition has been pencilled in for October in Brighton, again there will be more details to follow.