August Newsletter

Fancy some red-hot news to go with the scorching weather?
First things first, we are very excited to announce the early stages of producing a film based on the life and crimes of David Henty!! The working title is ‘Picasso Before Breakfast’.
Second, meet David in person! He’ll be painting outside Cloud Gallery in Worthing on 4th August between 12 and 3pm. Come along, he’d love to meet you and have a chat about life in general!
Last but by no means least he’ll be doing a talk at the highly regarded Stratford International Festival of Words and Music on 25th September, taking to the stage at 5pm. See the website for more details and updates.
To collect a David Henty piece – considered to be the best art forger/copyist in the world – before the prices rocket please contact or
Commissions bespoke and personalised art works available.