David Henty Newsletter April 2024
Please let there be light! With six months of rain and grey skies, I am praying the sun will soon appear. As an artist I rely so much...

David Henty Newsletter March 2024
If the first few months of the year are an indicator of the year to come, what a busy and exciting year 2024 will be! The Pilgrm Hotel in...

David Henty Newsletter
February 2024 Lately, I’ve been well and truly following in the footsteps of Caravaggio! After a wonderful trip to Rome at the end of...

December 2023 Newsletter
November ended with a terrific trip to Roma to visit as many Caravaggio paintings as I could in the four days we were there. The Villa...

November 2023 Newsletter
What a busy month October was! I had a brilliant trip to Scotland to visit Hatton House Art and Design, Dunkeld (Instagram...

October Newsletter 2023
What a success September has been! With a full page in the Times Newspaper and an interview with ITV London for London Design Festival....

August 2023 Newsletter
The summer holidays are here, time for a bit of a rest and a lot of gallery visits. I've just had a lovely couple of days in London...

July 2023 Newsletter
WOW I can’t believe we’re halfway through 2023 already (with me mainly at the easel!) – where does the time go! Filming starts this month...

June 2023 Newsletter
Summer is here and I think I’m going to be rather busy! I’m very excited about a collaboration in the making with a fellow artist. It’s...

May 2023 Newsletter
It has been a long time coming but at last I think the sun is trying to come out. There is nothing I like better than painting outside...